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- Цилиндр - Кабели питания
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- AC Power Cords Magnum VS L6-30 Power CordThis product will ship to you directly from the manufacturer. You may order this product now. Mouser will notify you of the estimated ship date.
- Date Sheet
Lagernummer 0
Zwischensummenbetrag $0.00000
Спецификация Часто задаваемые вопросы
- RoHS:N
- Receptacle:NEMA L6-30R
- Plug:NEMA L6-30P
- Factory Pack QuantityFactory Pack Quantity:1
- Unit Weight:8 lbs
- Packaging:Bulk
- Type:AC Power Cord w/Lock
- Region:North America
Со склада 0
Итого $0.00000